About Me

High School2011-2015

I finished my high school education on Ülkün Yalçın, Darıca at 2015. My interests in software development started there. I did my first desktop application for my class where you can track your weekly homework & project due dates etc.

At the end of my education at Ülkün Yalçın I decided to study Computer Engineering and follow my dreams.


In September 2015, I started my Computer Engineering education at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. First 2 years was heavily focused on algorithms and data structures.

After 2 years I focused more on web and mobile development.

Internship One

In my first internship I worked on ASP.NET and PostgreSQL. Created a simple web service for fault reporting. This was my first time using PostgreSQL and learned a lot.

Internship Two

Second internship was based on Android applications. I learned how to consume APIs and create asynchronous jobs and build my first android application that gives statistics about Formula 1 season.

Graduation Project

As graduation project we did semi-autonomous car with android controller. Where you can plot a position on the map from the controller and let the car start running. You also get live-feed from the car.


OSF Digital2022 - Still

I am currently working as Back-end developer in OSF Digital. OSF Digital is multinational company that is expert at commerce. We are creating e-commerce modules that is easy to install for all customers of commerce cloud.

Smartface2019 - 2022

I joined Smartface after my graduation.

We are developing cross-platform mobile applications with Smartface framework. We write our code in Typescript and Javascript. After that our framework reflect those codebase into iOS and Android seperately.

Our team built Turkcell Life application for Turkcell for 2 years. I worked as Full Stack Developer & Team Lead for this project. Technologies we used (Keycloak, KrakenD, Openshift, Docker, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and Smartface)

In the meantime we perfected Smartface framework and all its tools.


React Challenges2022|Live

Some challenges I conquer using react to improve myself on my free time.


A hobby project built with React. Main purpose of the project is to helping the managers playing the iGP Manager game. You can see the setups & strategies and many more inside it. If you wanna checkout the game click here.


This project teached me how computers communicate through network, what is state machines, motors, measuring distance with ultrasonic sensors, livestream broadcasting over website.

Our main goal was creating a driverless tractor unfortunately time limit prevented it.

Multiplayer Miner2019

I wanted to create this project to learn about sockets and NodeJS.

Creating randomly generated ores with tiles was tricky. 2D hit detection was also little challenging but i managed to do it without any issues.

Formula 1 Report2018

This project created at my second internship with Mobillium.

Learned asynchronous functions, Retrofit library, Android Navigation and how to consume APIs from mobile.